life stood still"

This album is an expression of a common man's plight during the pandemic, a man who is far from world politics, power plays and conspiracies. He is busy earning his daily wages and has no time to engage himself in the fight for world dominance. The instrumental music in this album unfolds a sequence of emotions, reactions, struggle and pain experienced on account of this pandemic that was inflicted upon an unprepared world.

When life gives you lemons


This is all I had, A laptop, earbuds and a cell phone.
During the march 2020 pandemic, I had to rush back to my home town without my music hardware as it was a desperate situation during lock down. So instead of a musical MIDI keyboard, I used a 'Midi Keyboard app' on my mobile to play and record my music. This worked out pretty good given the minimum equipment I had to create my music.

Each track will take you through a sequence of feelings that the world went through. So if you read the description, you could relate more with the music.

Track 1:  The Deceptive Outbreak

Our protagonist (the common man) is hardly aware about how “life” as he knows it, was about to change. A beast was lurking in the dark, waiting to attack and leave a deep scar on generations to come. As this monster began to destroy cities, countries, continents, mankind faced a global pandemic of a magnitude unimaginable. With no apparent solution at hand, the common man is forced to fend for himself, to just survive each day, in a world hanging between fear and suspense.

Track 2: The Panic Snowball

By the time world realized the scale of this existential threat, it was too late. Countless innocent lives were lost. Streets were crowded with people scrambling for food and essential supplies. Some bought weapons for self-protection as they imagined the worst. Countries, once perceived as friends, close their boarders, locking foreigners indefinitely, who weren’t lucky enough to reach their home and families. Hospitals, saddled with acute shortage of supplies, were bursting at their seams with infected people. The commoner witnessed this dark drama, huddled in his home, through a shattered window.

Track 3: The Unforgiving pain

A wave of panic rose up, as people began to lose their loved ones to this ferocious beast. Once again the common man feels helpless in this situation and has no choice but to suffer in silence. The monster does not spare anyone - the old, the young, the rich or the poor. It engulfs thousands of lives across the globe. Some turn to God, some lose their faith, some turn insane. The monster is still not satiated.

Track 4: Standing Together, Standing Tall

As the days pass by, and the pain grows, there is nothing else left to do but to fight back.
A global alliance for a global threat. We saw Individuals & organizations across the world coming forward to help one another. Countries open their arms to share and exchange resources

The common man knows he cannot leave home to join the cause. He does what he can do best in the given situation, abide by the rules, “stay home stay safe”.

Track 5: A scared future

As I sit here and imagine what future would be like, will we be able to cope with this disaster and move on? Yes we will, but we will have to carry the scars of the wounds incurred. Wars. Victories. Defeats. Losses. In the face of these events, the common man still believes in hope. Hope for a better world. Hope for a safer tomorrow. He cannot sustain without hope as it is the only fuel to strengthen the will to survive. This very spirit of human race empowers it to move forward through droughts, famines and other disasters. Would life be better or worse than what it was before, only time will tell.

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