If Not Work

You really need to have something on the side of your daily work. It keeps pumping energy into your 9 to 5 job. Over last decade, I cultivated a few interesting hobbies, which really help me do some silly things to keep the juice in my life flowing.

Typo-Day 2023 Award

I am fortunate to be among the winners of Typography Poster design competition. The winning entries span across 17 odd countries and will be published and displayed in an exhibition during “TypoDay 2023” event - 26th 27th 28th OCT. at BHU Varanasi.

Mobirise Website Builder
Typo Avatars of Lord Ganesha - 2021

Getting spiritually creative in design. Using Typography to render 10 different forms of Lord Ganesh. This happens when a designer wants to get wild and break the shackles of the corporate world and express himself.


My Mini-Museum
Scaled models, Puzzles & Collectibles 

Typo Avatars of Devi Durga- 2024

Nine renditions of Devi Durga for each day of Navaratri. Using different font for each rendition. It was so satifying to see the face shape up as I put together unique characters to form the face of "Devi Durga"

The Child Within

Its been 12 years since I started my hobby gathering collectibles. I don't miss the opportunity to pick up the stuff that interests me, like scaled models, Puzzles, gadgets and smartly design products. The video shows a small "Show Place" I created at my place where I arrange my collection, and every 2 to 3 months I rotate these collectibles.

Scaled model collection

I have around 80+ scaled models of cars, buses, trains which I have collected over last 15 years. I keep adding to my collection from time to time. I relish each of collectibles by cleaning them, re-arranging them and displaying them in my own Mini-Museum

Puzzle collection

I collect puzzles from where ever I can. I make it a point to get something new and innovative when ever I travel out of country. My collection has over 80+ puzzles collected from various parts of the world. Puzzles also help me keep my brain active and on the toes.

Crazy fidget collection

Take a look at around 25+ Fidget spinners, from very common to utterly non-sense but rare set of fidget spinners. (See More)

Intriguing Objects

Old gadgets are a reminder of the path taken by the evolution which I have seen in my life time. I like to cherish the memories created as I grew up using these gadgets. I also like to appreciate curious objects and collectibles which gives me the joy of appreciating "Design" in a way. 

Venting out creatively

Here are some creatives created for certain festivals/occasions events etc. These things happen over the weekend after a hectic week in the office. You don’t usually get to play around with colors on a UX job. So these are a by-product of venting out in such situations.

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