Take a look at the complete photo collection, in a orderly fashion. I truly believe that the gear you use does not matter. What matters is can you spot subjects around you which are "Frame worthy", even if you are not holding a camera....!!!
With the advent of mobile phone cameras, it became very easy for anyone to take a picture on the go. But still the challenge is to keep your photography antenna open which would help you to identify what place, situation, objects, people and time is picture worthy, and you can easily capture it using your mobile phones.
Sharing a very old era of SLR photography where we did not have the privileged of seeing the results instantly on the screen. Had to wait with an high level of anxiety for the film to be developed and printed.
36 Was a very important number for us back in the days!
Learn how to click extra ordinary pictures of the ordinary stuff around you. Turn every day objects into fine photo-art.
Usually people tend to categorize something as "Abstract" when there is not definite formula to define or to create it. What I think is that with a little methodology, we can at least attempt to create abstract pictures. I don’t claim that this is the only way, or the correct way to do it, but even a little understanding of these factors that govern abstract photography, helps a lot
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