The timeline hides nothing. My work right from my student days till date shows my journey as a designer, as a person and as a professional. As a proof of my sincerity & honesty I have included my incredibly early work, when I was learning how to use a computer and now that I work for the organisation that makes computers, they journey has been very enriching for me so far.
1991 - 1996
It gives me immense pleasure to present my arts college work which I have preserved for the last 20 years. Its not the entire bunch but just a few of my favorites. Hope you will enjoy them.
Note: All the art works are hand rendered using poster color and brush on a cartridge paper, except for the Elbee courier services campaign.
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1996 - 1997
This was a multimedia e-book targeted toward the 1st year engineering students. The topic was Fluid mechanics and this e-book used all the potentials of multimedia platform to educate via demonstrations and live experiments.
Though the UI looks very "Out of place", now, it was my 1st ever design (1996) while I was learning computers as a tool.
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1997 - 1999
The 4 semesters that I spent at IIT were a game changer for me in my career. Here is the list of projects I worked during my tenure there.
Semester 1 and 2 were same for all, where group activities took place in various subjects like design theory, Information design, representation techniques, Photography, Typography, Semantics and lot more.
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July 1999
This was a short tenure at TIS Andheri branch. I joined after my M-Des as a Graphic designer for CBTs and WBTs. I worked on a pretty long project which was a WBT for ICICI sales executives.
The other project I worked on was a touch screen kiosk for Tata motors for the Auto expo at Pragati Maidaan Delhi. You can see some glimpses of both these projects.
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Feb 2000
Infoglobe was a Bangalore based venture of headed by an X IITian mumbai. This was an educational portal which had rich content to develop & enhance "Right Brain" activity.
It was a .com initiative where I was roped in soon after I completed my Masters at IIT. One of my professor was also involved in this initiative. Here I picked up on programming via Flash Action scripting and I used it left right center. :-)
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Nov 2003
This was an SAP based product company. Learnt the basics of how to translate a design into HTML and how to build and apply CSS. This was 1st time ever I did hands on HTML.
Another highlight was a window less Installation wizard which did not require compilation (creation of .exe file) every time there was a new release of the product. The navigation, Menu items were controlled from an external .txt file.
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My journey at Philips started with some multimedia freelance projects. After about 3 to 4 successful projects and 1 year, I joined Philips as a full-time employee. This was one of the changing points in my life. Although I was still doing multimedia for about a year, I got an exposure to world class design standards community. It was 1:1 with Interaction and Industrial design at global level.
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This was one of the early Music phones from Philips. I was one of the Visual designers working on the UI. The team was assembled in Hong Kong fetching a few more designers from across the globe
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This was the 1st project where the UI team got involved right from the pre-conception phase where mostly the research had given good insights which would now translate into a product. It was interesting to work on an actual product interface which involved not just designing but working under the constrains of actual 3D product dimensions and limited controls.
I got to work with the Philips Embedded systems team and run product trials to evaluate if the electronics were correctly programmed as per the design.
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The Idea triggered when I was working in flash for some other project using Action script for some advance effects. It hit me at that moment that flash can return certain values of a graphic element on screen. For e.g. its X and Y coordinates, Its dimensions, color values, I programmed a system which would reduce the designer's effort in creating the Design specs for the embedded systems team.
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Due to my Flash programming ability, we were able to simulate a product interface using a touch screen monitor and do competitive study with existing products in the market. It saved huge cost for the prg as they did not have to build the real electronics for the early product trials.
The Simulation had worked perfectly on the "Water Purifier" a product that I was working on earlier.
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This project was the 1st project I undertook after I joined Cybage. It is still going on even after I have left the Org. It was a platform that offered ways to measure NPS and NSat and build surveys with analytics. This application underwent 3 generations of experience change while i was working on it.
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Cybage landed Google as their client for You tube Brand channel design & implementation work. I was a part of the pitching team and we did good at our opening presentation. As a result, Google Mumbai engaged us with their clients like Airtel, T-Series, Huawei to design their Brand channels on YouTube.
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To build a game is always interesting, but to build a unique game with a business context in mind is much more interesting and challenging. This client was into logistics and execution of large scale exhibition events. The requirement was to build a game that was in context with the business and was engaging enough to promote their brand.
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This was a pre-sales kind of projects where Cybage was pitching for this client and the big names in the org were working on it.
Just 3 weeks in hand and an entire RFP to be done, along with a POC was a humongous task. The UI team created redundancies in case of any failure.
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I had collected all my work so far, right from the academic days until I quit my recent job before moving to UK. I built my portfolio >
I could satisfy my urge for the "Abstract Photographer" within myself. London was a beautiful place to be especially when you have a camera and you don't need a 9 to 5 job.
Photo Albums >
Learning how to create music using a "Digital Audio Work station" was on my mind since 2006. I made few attempts since then until 2012, and finally caught a break
My Music >
The client was one of the giants in textiles, and they wanted to compete with the word’s largest market share holders in “Zip” manufacturing. TO do that, the client came up with a very specific business requirement. They wanted to build an application which would assist their customers (Big Fashion brands) to configure a Zip type based on the garment they were designing and order it quickly.
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This was my 1st encounter doing ergonomic study while working on an industrial design project. This was a medical device we were designing for a Japanese client. The study was regarding blind operation of a CT scan machine to adjust the patent trolley. This device had a touch screen to control certain settings as well as some hard buttons with a joystick. We had to conduct several tests using various heights of the joy stick and simulate the environment to really finalize on the design for the touch screen and the hard buttons.
This was really an eye opener to really understand how stuff works in the industrial design world.
More about this in person.
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This was a California based client into lifestyle health care domain. Requirement was to revamp an existing app and fully enhance its performance and experience. This was an Onsite project, where a team of 3 went at the client’s location and strategized the solution. The solution was deployed offshore after the initial onsite phase.
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This application was targeted at big hotel chains to enable the hotel business to automate their operations and also enable hotels to predict/manage revenue forecast.
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The aim was to do a parallel exercise to innovate the current UX (which was under development) to come up with a better interaction design. Technology and ‘Time to market’ had put a lot of restrictions on the way the product development was moving ahead.
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As the UX involvement was coming to an end, it had to end with a feed forward for the engineering team to be able to keep building new modules and screens even without any UX or VD engagement. The only way to enable that was to build a simple component library and empower the engineers to pick ready plug an play components to build new pages.
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Started a balanced Life & Work @ Microsoft
HTML Maker