UX Showcase

What matters is, “Is it simple enough?” & “Does it serve its purpose?”
Below list is a mix of App design, web & mobile, Experience design for industrial design & Enterprise business applications..

Jan 2018 - Till date

Mobirise Website Builder
Enterprise Product Design

From a designer's perspective, Enterprise Application designs has its own set of challenges and advantages. It can be a whole new animal to push as opposed to consumer products. 

Enterprise Product design space can become a designer's playground as you have a very easy access to your end users. That's the good side.

But the challenge is when Product goals and vision conflicts with business priorities, the designer has to tackle the "PEOPLE" aspect of product design.

Mobirise Website Builder
Research lead Design Solutions

Design decisions are never easy if you loose the sight of your product goals and don't have your listening cap on. Design best serves its purpose when when you take educated decisions based on solid research foundation.

Research helps the product team to be focused on the success metrics.

There will hardly be a conflict situation where you would have to convince the business for a design approach/decision you choose.

Mobirise Website Builder
Design Delivery Management

Design Management is less of managing design and more of managing stakeholder's expectations. 

Always keep the stakeholders and the product team well informed about what you need to deliver expected outcome.

The secret sauce for managing design delivery is empathizing with the Technical team, Product owners and business stakeholders.

Mar 2015 - Dec 2017

Persistent Systems - Pune
Smart Reports

The requirement was to design a reporting system for an existing application which was a revenue management system for hospitality industry. 

Hotel Operations Config  v2

The aim was to do a parallel exercise to innovate the current UX (which was under development) to come up with a better interaction design. 

Hotel Operations Config v1

This application was targeted at big hotel chains to enable the hotel business to automate their operations and also enable hotels to predict/manage revenue forecast.

Social Event Mobile App

An event management company tied up with Persistent as a technology partner and wanted to develop a mobile app which was more on lines of October fest or Lollapalooza or Governor's Ball.

Practice Management System

Re-design an existing app and fully enhance its experience along with 2 new features. The outcome was supposed to combine a PMS with a marketing feature and convert existing customers into repeat customers. 

Average Daily Rate (ADR) Tracker

This was a small web application which was targeted towards the small hotel chains within a state/country. It helped the hotel owner to track the (ADR) Average Daily rate of his own hotel, and the competition. It also helped owners to track occupancy.

The Care Team

The app records the current illness and the treatment that the patient has received so far. It keeps record of all the related tests and results etc.

Operation Theatre Booking

The key users of this app would be Doctors/Surgeons and nurses/ assistants.

The primary goal of this app was to  enable a doctor to put a request for an OT booking while he is interacting with a patient across the table.

Nov 2013 - Feb 2015

IGATE Global - Pune
Online Ordering - B2B Web App

The client was one of the giants in textiles, and they wanted to compete with the word’s largest market share holders in “Zip” manufacturing. To do that, the client came up with a very specific plan. To build an application which would assist their customers (Big Fashion brands) to configure a Zip type based on the garment they were designing and order it online.

App for Color reading device for textile industry

A web counterpart of a smart phone app which was used with a hardware (spectrometer). This hardware was a spectrometer used in the textile industry to record colors from the live environment and process it to make a pigment color for textile dyeing.

A CT-Scan controller device

We were designing a controller panel for a CT scan machine. This controller would enable the Radiologist to carry out a subset of the full functional system on his own without the need of an assistant who otherwise sits into the console room.

Jun 2012 - Oct 2013

Professional Snooze - A Break
Moved to UK as a dependent with my wife and son. It was a great boost for my wife’s career. My son was 5 years, hence I decided to be a home maker for this period. While I was at it, I kept myself busy enough and took good advantage of the situation to work on the things that I could not during my working days.
My portfolio

I had collected all my work so far, right from the academic days until I quit my recent job before moving to UK. I built my portfolio
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I could satisfy my urge for an "Abstract Photographer". London was a beautiful place to be, especially when you have a camera and you don't have a 9 to 5 job.
Photo Albums >

Music Composing

Learning how to create music using a "Digital Audio Work station" was on my mind since 2006. I made few attempts since then until 2012, and finally caught a break
My Music >

May 2008 - Jun 2012

Cybage Software - Pune
Pizza Hut Pitch - Dallas

This was a pre-sales pitch and I got an opportunity to work with the biggies from Cybage. 

Just in 3 weeks, entire RFP, POC along wiht the proposal details was a humongous task. The UI team created redundancies in case of any failure.

YouTube Channels

Cybage landed Google as a client for You tube Brand channel design & development work. I was a part of the pitching team and we did good at our opening presentation. As a result, Google Mumbai engaged us as design partners.

YouTube Channels

As a result of our engagement with Google & YouTube, we were working on YouTube channels for various big brands. 

T-Series triggered the Talent Hunt campaign for the Movie "Ashiqui 2" and the entire audition entries were routed through a YouTube channel which I got to design.

Global Transact 

This application monitored all the card swipe payment transaction that happen over the Cash registers, ATMs or at any merchant.

Auto Diagnostics 

This app enabled car owners to report or submit a repair request, do some basic diagnostics and place an order for a maintenance/repair job. Request for a mechanic of a replacement spare part. Road side assistance was also among the primary features.

Mobile Game

To build a game is always interesting, but to build a unique game within a business context is much more interesting and challenging. Brand promotion was also one of the primary goals. This client was into logistics and execution of large scale exhibition events. 

Customer success measuring app    

This application provided various ways to measure the NPS, or NSat for a brand or a service. We also had to build in survey building capability along with analytics. It underwent 3 design generations in 4 years that I was working on this project.

Apr 2004 - Apr 2008

Philips Design - Pune
Philips Water Purifier

Building a user experience for a physical product was the most interesting project I ever did in my career. Working with Industrial designers, embedded system teams, marketing team, to make sure we check all the boxes which defined the success of this product.

Induction Cooker

Designing the experience/interface for an induction cooker and also programming the logic to use it for user testing was the task I undertook on this project. 
This was the 1st time that Philips used a simulation of the interface to evaluate the product against the competition. 

It also saved Philips a boar load of money to use a computer simulated system rather than building actual electronics just for testing purpose.

Food Processor 

A very good product which was a result of an excellent consumer insight which Philips got form their heavy investment in the Indian market. This product needed a UI for sure as there was some level of automated controls.

TV UI On-Screen display

As Philips was among the leaders in the Television market, it had various product segments in that domain. I got an opportunity to design the TV UI (On screen display). The interface was used as a vanilla interface when Philips sold their sets to large businesses like Toshiba, Sony, Sharp etc.

OSD Menu for Outdoor displays

Along with the regular LCD panels, Philips was also into manufacturing the outdoor LCD display panels mostly used as outdoor advertising.

Pronto remote UI

This was a pretty simple project but the product and the experience working on it was awesome. I worked as a visual designer and the task was to face lift the PC based application which was used to configure the Pronto on screen UI.

Design Specs Automation - G1

The Idea triggered when I was working in flash for some other project using Action script for some advance effects. It hit me at that moment that flash can return certain values of a graphic element on screen. For e.g. its X and Y coordinates, Its dimensions, color values, and also certain properties which can be hard coded in case they do not change.

Design Specs Automation - G2

The Gen-2 GUIS was very much like the Gen-1 in terms of the featured it offered, but was built in much matured way as compared to the earlier one. It provided good level of scalability so we could use it across all the product lines with Display screens.

Design Specs Automation - G3

The Gen-3 GUIS would have been a killer app considering the way Philips had been documenting the specifications. But unfortunately I just did a primitive prototype and then it was curtains on my tenure at Philips Design.

Go Gear Mp3 Player UX

The project was about designing a system response to a key input. The screen in reality was a small rectangle but with the help of a simple backlit surface a false feeling of a bigger screen had to be achieved.

Feature Phone (Music Edition)

This was one of the early Music phones from Philips. I was one of the Visual designers working on the UI. The team was assembled in Hong Kong fetching a few designers from across the globe

Music Mall - Touch screen kiosk

This was a music platform which allowed users to share and store their music and play it across various locations. You could buy a song as you use an ATM to dispense money. 

Jul 1999 - Oct 2003

Tata Interactive Mumbai | Infoglobe - Bangalore | Approva Systems
The Dynamic Installer

A window less Installation wizard which did not require compilation (creation of .exe file) every time there was a new release of the product. The navigation, Menu tems were controlled from an external .txt file.

Gaming Environment

This was an educational portal which had rich content to develop the right brain to enhance creativity.

It was a .com initiative where I was roped in soon after I completed my Masters at IIT. I developed games and puzzles as a part of the rich content on this portal. 

Painting online

Targeted towards kids in the year 2001, this was one of the Flash based games that I had designed and programmed. User could color the picture and print it too.

Music Box with Mixer

Trying out my action script skills to create some rich content for the portal. This was a multi-track music box. Flash offered a lot of capabilities related to Audio / Video components. 

This was a part of the educational portal along with the other games and puzzles.

Fluid mechanics demo

The org was into creating educational material for engineering students. The subject was Fluid Mechanics and the task was to explain the basic functioning of Piston, Valves. Macromedia Flash offered all the programming capabilities to demo all these use case scenarios. 

Few freelance Projects

Mobile App for online shopping
Some Web design back in the days 2005-2010

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